Dozens of volunteers from LatetTikva, the National Child Assistance Center, are hard at work organizing the Passover 2013 campaign which is the crown of all food distribution programs in Israel.

As part of the distribution, every year plentiful food baskets are handed out following the “Kimhad’Pas’kha” tradition, including basics such as meat, wine and Matzah, together with special foods to pamper children and their families, by way of assisting the patients’ families and the needy to experience the festival as joyously as possible.

The list of needy families whose children are severely ill is received by LatetTikva organizers from sources such as social service departments throughout Israel, or via early registration on the internet.

If you or your close ones need a food basket, fill in the details at the bottom of the page, including full name, ID number, phone numbers and address, monthly income of you and your spouse – and LatetTikva volunteers will contact you.

Have the appropriate information concerning income review and a letter from your social worker or municipal social services representative ready in advance.

A few words on this LatetTikva tradition, now running for more than a decade:

    “This campaign has proven itself,” a management representative said.  “Knowing how hard it is every day for these parents caring for a hospitalized child, the food baskets are a significant relief.  Parents neither need to go and do the shopping, nor spend large sums of money as the festival approaches.”

He adds that “every year, there is much excitement among the families of the hospitalized patients being supported by LatetTikva.  The food baskets allow setting a fine Seder table, and unfortunately, every year the number of families fighting severe illnesses grows.”

Volunteer Leah Attiya from Ashdod described the preparations: “It looks like a military operation.  There’s a ‘commander’ who gives the instructions, tens of volunteers organizing the baskets, and take into account that everything needs to be done fast, to keep the food as fresh as possible.”

    Letter of thanks from the Kaplan Hospital management