Meeting preparing for winter activities

 Managers and volunteers of Latet Tikva organization held a meeting preparing for winter activities for sick children.

They’re arranging a special winter camp which dozens of children will participate from hospitals across the country for three nights and days full of exciting attractions.

Participants unanimously voted that the entire camp, including lodging and attractions, will be held in the south, with the residents and businesses in the South which were in economic loss during Zuk Eitan’ war.

Participants noted the preparations required to leave to the camp winter resort, under stormy weather, with the correct supplies and equipment to transport sick children.

In addition, it was also agreed that during the winter there will be a continuation of daily activities in hospitals for the sick children.

At  the end of the preparatory meeting, the heads of volunteerism and national service (Shertu Leumi) girls which are sponsored by Latet Tikva in various hospitals, where the management representative thanked them for all their hard work during the High Holidays of the New Year.(see separate report).